In Kenya, the school year begins each January. Edina has been busy getting the children registered for their new schools and buying uniforms and textbooks. This year, four of the children began high school Schools are assigned by the government, based on their grades on the nation-wide exams. Three of them were accepted to boarding schools some distance away from Edina’s village and the fourth student joined Dave at his school in the city, a 90 minute walk away. School is extremely important to Kenyans and to Edina. It is taken very seriously and many families make great sacrifices in order to make it possible for their children to attend. Edina tells us that many families sell a cow to pay the high school tuition for one child. We didn’t have any cows to sell (!) – we are thankful to those of you who contributed to the education costs.
Here is Edina’s report:

The kids are back to school. They are very busy, they work extra hard, they read up to 10.00 PM at night and wake up daily at 3:00 AM, they start walking to school at 5:00 AM because they should be in class at 6:00 am for Morning classes. If they get to school late they are sent back home. We do value education and with the support you give the kids they do not want to waste the golden opportunity they have.
The young children are at home, playing with their toys. They did not join the school this year. Private nursery schools are very expensive. I bought them crayons and some teaching pictures to keep them busy.