Hallo My friends,
Greetings in the Mighty Name of our heavenly Father. First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for all the support you gave to see my surgery go through.
Am now out of the hospital, doing much better and improving day by day. I wonder what condition I might be in without you people. I keep seeing the hands of God in your actions and that is a testimony that I will continue to re-tell. May the Grace of God be with you all.
Many of you have only heard of me and never met me, but I sincerely appreciate your generous contributions and encouragement to see me though my surgery.
My friends, where I have come from is very far in my life journey. I appreciate your continued encouragement and I believe God will continue to lift me up everyday. The appreciation I have for you people are “blessings”. In return I will continue to ask God to give the same to you each and everyday.
The children are doing great at home and at school. I am very sure that they are all going to pass their examinations. I was going through their papers and I saw that they all did their best. Am confident that the children are going to get very good grades and are going to be promoted to the next class come next year. The schools are expected to close next week. I will keep you informed of their results.