About us

Home of Grace Care Centre is located in rural western Kenya, in the village of Kiogoro. It has become well-respected by the local Children’s Department and community leaders alike.

The Centre’s vision is to build up a new generation of responsible citizens and members of the community. They do not offer children for adoption. Instead, staff encourage the development of next-of-kin connections where possible.

African Solutions for Africans
We do not presume to offer our North American solutions to “fix” African challenges. Instead, we offer hope, prayer, encouragement and oversight—for local people to develop African solutions for Africans.

Life is not easy for the children. Money is scarce and there are so many needs, all of them the most basic: food, access to clean water, shelter, clothing, education, and basic medical care — things we take for granted in North America. Yet we are in a position to help. By giving financially, by offering prayer and encouragement and by learning about the complex issues facing Africa, we can all be part of a solution with global impact that is culturally relevant and therefore sustainable.

Home of Grace Care Centre offers the following:

  • Residential care: Orphans and vulnerable children are housed and given food, basic medical care and education. Whenever possible, they maintain contact with their extended families to ease future re-integration into the community.
  • Community Outreach: Families of identified children receive at-home support, including education bursaries and occasional financial support to supplement food budgets.
  • Feeding program: Children from desperately poor families in the community are referred from the local public school. These children receive a nutritious lunch every school day, to improve learning.
  • Alumni support: Staff maintain contact with children who have left the Centre at the mandated age of 18. They are offered continuing support whenever possible, to help them achieve independence. This could include employment assistance, encouragement, or post-secondary bursaries.

Home of Grace Care Centre and Speroway
Speroway-Logo-Green-2014In February 2013, Home of Grace Care Centre became a project of Speroway, a charity based in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. Speroway’s objectives are to deliver hope through food security, education and medical care. With the addition of Home of Grace Care Centre, Speroway is able to extend its ability to offer hope for children in Kenya. It offers leadership and guidance to home of Grace staff, giving oversight to service delivery.

Donations to Speroway, a registered charity in Canada, are eligible for tax receipts. (Please designate ‘Home of Grace Care Centre’ when making your gift.)

Give with Confidence

Home of Grace Centre is a program of Speroway, a registered charity in Canada. Your donations are elegible for a Canadian charitable tax receipt.

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