For those of you that had a chance to see the broadcast, thank you for tuning in! If you haven’t seen it, we’ve posted it below for your viewing pleasure.
What a great piece it was! Such an amazing event to be a part of. Thank you to Bridget Antwi and 100 Huntley Street!
I belong to a 60 member quilt group , and I think we could help by making pads at some of our sewing days. Can you posibly send instructions and requirements to partake in this charity? T saw the program a few weeks ago and thought it very informative AND thought provoking. We can do so little to help the girls and women so much.
Thanks for your feedback! We’ve been overwhelmed by the positive response – from coast to coast! In fact, we realize that is much bigger than we ever dreamed. As a result, we are now working out a program to empower groups like yours – wherever they are – to help with making pads. Check back on the web site, probably in the new year. We will have information here. You can also join our mailing list. we will put it in our Newsletter.
Thanks! We are currently working on finding a way to help groups get access to the pattern, instructions and list of needed supplies. Keep an eye on our “Pad Parties for Home of Grace” facebook group and the Home of Grace website for details.