This week three children were abandoned at the gate of Home of Grace. They are girls aged 2, 3 and 5. What can you do but welcome them in with loving arms? There are so many families in this community that have literally nothing. For the parents, leaving their children at the doors of an orphanage is not cruel, but an act of sacrificial love. They only want to offer their children hope, which they cannot do themselves.
Edina has reported the children to the authorities, but the Children’s Department has determined, for now, that Home of Grace is the best place for them. They want to connect with the families and assure them that they know their children are being cared for and loved. They also want the families to remain connected to the children. Being part of a family is critically important to their future integration into society.
Please remember the new children at Home of Grace and the families who felt they had no alternative. They need to know there is hope for them – more than ever.